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Local Rail Map

Dorking and Dorking Deepdene stations are 3 minutes walk from each other and are the closest stations to North Holmwood .

(Holmwood Station is further south at Beare Green).
Rail options are in the map link.

Local Google Map

Local Bus Map

the links contains the route maps and online timetables for buses around Dorking and particularly local routes 93 and 21 which serve North Holmwood and North Holmwood Village Hall.

Bus options are in the links below.

North Holmwood is in effect the southern outskirts of the picturesque Surrey market town of Dorking.

North Holmwood has the following facilities:

  • Morrisons Local (open 7 days early am until late evening)

  • Post Office (within the village shop)

  • Hairdressers

  • Indian Restaurant (Red Chili) on the by-pass

  • Pub / Restaurant (The Royal Oak) on Chart Lane South

  • Church

  • Village Green & pond

  • Holmwood Common (NT) woodland with walks

  • Regular bus services to Dorking (town centre & stations), Horsham (town centre & station), Crawley 

North Holmwood Village Hall is situated 1.5 miles from the centre of Dorking.​

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
North Holmwood Village Hall will endeavour to be fully compliant with GDPR. Personal data held will be that given to North Holmwood Village Hall through e-mail, phone or other media. It will be retained in one or more of the following media: Hall Manager's mobile phone, Hall Manager's desktop computer and paper, Chairman's desktop computer and paper. Its usage will be entirely for contact between North Holmwood Village Hall and the person concerned. The only 3rd party who will receive any data will be the Charity Commisioners within the Annual Submission, and this will be that of the members of the Council of Management. North Holmwood Village Hall will provide a copy of all data held within 40 days of a written request.

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