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Covid-19 Info

Key elements of North Holmwood Village Hall’s strategy for providing as safe an environment as possible from the 19th July are:


  • The Sculptor's Hall and Old School Hall / Committee Room will continue to operate as two separate venues with the corridor linking the two locked closed

  • The Entrance Area / Gents Toilets & Disabled Toilet are open, but only as part of the Old School Hall hire.

  • The Ladies Toilet will remain as a Unisex toilet for Sculptor’s Hall users only.

  • The One-way systems will remain in place for now.

  • Use of sanitisation stations will remain in place.

  • Use of NHS test & trace will remain in place until retracted by the government.

  • Use of masks on entering / exiting the premises will continue to be required.

  • Social distancing is no longer legally required but is till a good way of helping limit transmission of the virus.

  • Cleaning after a hire by the hirer will remain a requirement.

  • Ventilating the hall when in use will remain a requirement.

  • Leaflets & fliers will not be permitted for now.


All Covid-19 Hire Agreements and Conditions of Hire will remain in force for now – we will review this periodically.

All hirers should ensure that they comply with Covid-19 requirements for their activities in addition to those of North Holmwood Village Hall.


The diagram below shows the two venues as operating from 19th July 2021.

OSH 1907.png

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
North Holmwood Village Hall will endeavour to be fully compliant with GDPR. Personal data held will be that given to North Holmwood Village Hall through e-mail, phone or other media. It will be retained in one or more of the following media: Hall Manager's mobile phone, Hall Manager's desktop computer and paper, Chairman's desktop computer and paper. Its usage will be entirely for contact between North Holmwood Village Hall and the person concerned. The only 3rd party who will receive any data will be the Charity Commisioners within the Annual Submission, and this will be that of the members of the Council of Management. North Holmwood Village Hall will provide a copy of all data held within 40 days of a written request.

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