Venues for hire:
(seperately or in combination)
Old School Hall & Committee Room
Sculptor's Hall
The Studio​
The Studio can be used for meetings, small events / classes and as a quiet workplace.
Regular Activities:
Sports, Dance,
Keep Fit, Yoga, Zumba
Arts & Crafts
Beavers & Cubs
Village Events
Other Activities:
Children's Parties
Private Events

North Holmwood Village Hall
Spook Hill, North Holmwood,
Dorking, Surrey, RH5 4JP
Registered Charity No. 305157
Bookings / Enquiries: Linda Foskett (Halls Manager)
Email: bookings@north-holmwood-village-hall.org.uk
Tel: 07712 224681
Please text or email to inquire about bookings. Please only call if you have a problem during a hire. Thank you.
Please help support North Holmwood Village Hall:
Buy from Amazon using the following link: smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/305157-0
Mole Valley Community Lottery tickets: www.molevalleylottery.co.uk/support/north-holmwood-village-hall
Last Updated: 10th February 2025
Covid-19 Info
Key elements of North Holmwood Village Hall’s strategy for providing as safe an environment as possible from the 19th July are:
The Sculptor's Hall and Old School Hall / Committee Room will continue to operate as two separate venues with the corridor linking the two locked closed
The Entrance Area / Gents Toilets & Disabled Toilet are open, but only as part of the Old School Hall hire.
The Ladies Toilet will remain as a Unisex toilet for Sculptor’s Hall users only.
The One-way systems will remain in place for now.
Use of sanitisation stations will remain in place.
Use of NHS test & trace will remain in place until retracted by the government.
Use of masks on entering / exiting the premises will continue to be required.
Social distancing is no longer legally required but is till a good way of helping limit transmission of the virus.
Cleaning after a hire by the hirer will remain a requirement.
Ventilating the hall when in use will remain a requirement.
Leaflets & fliers will not be permitted for now.
All Covid-19 Hire Agreements and Conditions of Hire will remain in force for now – we will review this periodically.
All hirers should ensure that they comply with Covid-19 requirements for their activities in addition to those of North Holmwood Village Hall.
The diagram below shows the two venues as operating from 19th July 2021.